List (there are no tasks for other Layers)
Kill Tasks for Layer 'geonode:S2A_tile_20190222_20KNA_0_B12_B11_B04_L__62_98736572265626_22_67738161936916_62_04803466796876_21_96953818800545_'.

List of currently executing tasks:

Refresh list

Please note:

Here are the max bounds, if you do not specify bounds these will be used.

Create a new task:

Number of tasks to use:
Type of operation:
Grid Set:
Zoom start:
Zoom stop:
Modifiable Parameters:
Bounding box:
These are optional, approximate values are fine.
Tile failure retries:
Set to -1 to disable retries and stop seed thread on the first failure.
Pause before retry (ms):
Total failures before aborting: